ACTION (Participatory science toolkit against pollution) was a three year programme dedicated to transforming the way citizen science (CS) is conducted today: from a mostly scientist-led process to a more participatory, inclusive, citizen-led one, which acknowledges the diversity of the CS landscape and of the challenges CS teams have to meet as their projects evolve.
It was implemented by ten research and third-sector organisations, universities, institutes and SMEs , working together with 16 on-the-ground citizens science pilots tackling major forms of pollutions.
The programme had a duration of 3 years and concluded its activities in January 2022.

Whom are ACTION tools and guidelines for?
ACTION provided tools and guidelines as well as academic insights on citizen science projects. Therefore activities and results were interesting for everyone doing, studying and improving citizen science practices and impacts: we offered information for existing and potential citizen science project managers and teams, citizen scientists, researchers, policy makers and funding bodies interested in supporting citizen science, businesses showing a growing interest in setting up their social responsibility and the general public seeking new forms of participatory innovation.