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Over the course of the ACTION project we developed a number of resources interesting for the scientific community, citizen scientists, decision makers and funding agencies and the public at large.  These include academic outputs as Research Deliverables, scientific articles, webinars as well as dissemination resources such as videos and other information materials about the project. You find all these resources in this page. 

ACTION developed also the ACTION OPEN SCIENCE PORTAL. There you find not only the resources available in this page, but also the datasets developed by the ACTION team and its pilots. 

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Research findings





Impact assessment report v2 (D6.4)

Results of the ACTION project impact assessment on scientific, social, economic, political and environmental impacts. The transformative potential of the pilots is also considered together with their potential contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Research Objects Catalogue V2 (D4.7)

Describes the catalogue of research objects identified in the project. Also, a methodology to characterise these objects has been developed to facilitate this work, adapting it to the needs of citizen science projects.

Final analysis and guidelines of incentives and motivation within citizen science (D5.7)

Final analysis on the use and effectiveness of incentives, as well as distinct motivations and motivational factors within pollution citizen science.

Live dashboard and media publishing portal 2 (D4.9)

The report contains the updates on the dashboard and data visualisation for the ACTION project, with a general analysis of the information collected.

Peer-reviewed article: Evolution of Brightness and Color of the Night Sky in Madrid

Robles, J., Zamorano, J., Pascual, S., Sánchez de Miguel, A., Gallego, J. and Gaston, K.J., 2021. Evolution of brightness and color of the night sky in Madrid. Remote Sensing, 13(8), p.1511.

Publication in conference proceeding: We don’t need no expectations: on the observer-expectancy effect in crowdsourcing

Maddalena, E.; Checco, A.; Simperl, E.: We don’t need no expectations: on the observer-expectancy effect in crowdsourcing; paper for: Third symposium on Biases in Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (BHCC 2021).

Publication in conference proceeding: Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network

Calegari, Gloria Re; Celino, Irene; Scrocca, Mario; González, Esteban; Zamorano, Jaime: Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network. Abstract for poster at ECSA Conference 2020, Trieste (Italy), 6-11 September 2020 

Publication in conference proceeding: The Survey Ontology: Packaging Survey Research as Research Objects

Scrocca, M; Scandolari, D.; Calegari, G.; Baroni, I.; Celino, I.: The Survey Ontology: Packaging Survey Research as Research Objects; 2nd Workshop on Data and Research Objects Management for Linked Open Science (DaMaLOS). 2021.

Peer-reviewed article: Towards Insect-Friendly Road Lighting – A Transdisciplinary Multi-Stakeholder Approach Involving Citizen Scientists

Schroer, S., Austen, K., Moczek, N., Kalinkat, G., Jechow, A., Heller, S., Reinhard, J., Dehn, S., Wuthenow, C.I., Post-Stapelfeldt, M. and van Grunsven, R.H., 2021. Towards Insect-Friendly Road Lighting—A Transdisciplinary Multi-Stakeholder Approach Involving Citizen Scientists. Insects, 12(12), p.1117.

Peer-reviewed article: An analysis of pollution Citizen Science projects from the perspective of Data Science and Open Science

Roman, D., Reeves, N., Gonzalez, E., Celino, I., Abd El Kader, S., Turk, P., Soylu, A., Corcho, O., Cedazo, R., Calegari, G.R. and Scandolari, D., 2021. An analysis of pollution Citizen Science projects from the perspective of Data Science and Open Science. Data Technologies and Applications.

Abstract for OSFair 2019 Demo Session: Coney: a conversational approach to enhance engagement in surveys

Scandolari, D.; Scrocca, M; Calegari, G.; Celino, I.: Coney: a conversational approach to enhance engagement in surveys; Abstract for OSFair 2019 Demo Session.

Peer-reviewed article: Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network

Celino, I., Re Calegari, G., Scrocca, M., Zamorano, J. and Gonzalez Guardia, E., 2021. Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network. Journal of Science Communication, 20(6), p.A03.

Peer-reviewed article: RGB photometric calibration of 15 million Gaia stars

Cardiel, N., Zamorano, J., Carrasco, J.M., Masana, E., Bará, S., González, R., Izquierdo, J., Pascual, S. and Sánchez de Miguel, A., 2021. RGB photometric calibration of 15 million Gaia stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507(1), pp.318-329.

Publication in conference proceeding: CONEY: A CONversational survEY Toolkit

Scandolari, Damiano; Calegari, Gloria Re; Scrocca, Mario; Celino, Irene. Poster abstract CONEY: A CONversational survEY Toolkit. 13th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly 2019), Padua, Italy, September 23-25, 2019.

Peer-reviewed article: Microplastic inclusion in birch tree roots

Austen, K., MacLean, J., Balanzategui, D. and Hölker, F., 2022. Microplastic inclusion in birch tree roots. Science of the Total Environment, 808, p.152085.

Peer-reviewed article: Transformative Potential and Learning Outcomes of Air Quality Citizen Science Projects in High Schools Using Low-Cost Sensors

Grossberndt, S., Passani, A., Di Lisio, G., Janssen, A. and Castell, N., 2021. Transformative Potential and Learning Outcomes of Air Quality Citizen Science Projects in High Schools Using Low-Cost Sensors. Atmosphere, 12(6), p.736.

Peer-reviewed article: Direct assessment of the sensitivity drift of SQM sensors installed outdoors

Bará, S., Marco, E., Ribas, S.J., Gil, M.G., de Miguel, A.S. and Zamorano, J., 2020. Direct assessment of the sensitivity drift of SQM sensors installed outdoors. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.15044.

Peer-reviewed article: Synthetic RGB photometry of bright stars: definition of the standard photometric system and UCM library of spectrophotometric spectra

Cardiel, N., Zamorano, J., Bará, S., Sánchez de Miguel, A., Cabello, C., Gallego, J., García, L., González, R., Izquierdo, J., Pascual, S. and Robles, J., 2021. Synthetic RGB photometry of bright stars: definition of the standard photometric system and UCM library of spectrophotometric spectra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504(3), pp.3730-3748.

Final Review 2nd Round of the Call (D2.13)

The report describes the catalogue of research objects identified in the project. Also, a methodology to characterize these objects has been developed to facilitate this work, adapting it to the necessities of citizen science projects.

Report on comprehensive data collection of flying insects (D2.6)

This document is a summary of insect data collection methods from the Tatort Streetlight citizen science project.

Analysis of data on dragonflies and neonicotinoids (D2.4)

This document describes the technique developed to measure neonicotinoids in water samples and the relation with natural dragonfly populations in the Dutch Monitoring Scheme. Report + supplement

Research data catalogue – First version (D4.6)
This deliverable describes the catalogue of research objects identified in the project. Also, a methodology to characterize these objects has been developed to facilitate this work, adapting it to the necessities of citizen science projects.

Final Guidelines for Task Design (D5.2)

This deliverable presents final guidelines for the design of citien science tasks. We present high level recommendations from citizen science and scientific crowdsourcing administrators.

Workshop report 1 (D2.14)

Summary of the workshops carried out up to and including the ACTION Accelerator Round One Kick-off Workshop.

Peer -reviewed article: Multispectral estimation of retinal photoreceptoral inputs

Bara, S., Bonmati-Carrion, M.A., Madrid, J.A., Rol, M.A. and Zamorano, J., 2019. Multispectral estimation of retinal photoreceptoral inputs. Photonics Letters of Poland, 11(3), pp.60-62.

Peer-reviewed article: Standardized spectral and radiometric calibration of consumer cameras

Burggraaff, O., Schmidt, N., Zamorano, J., Pauly, K., Pascual, S., Tapia, C., Spyrakos, E. and Snik, F., 2019. Standardized spectral and radiometric calibration of consumer cameras. Optics express, 27(14), pp.19075-19101.

Peer-reviewed article: Monitoring Long-Term Trends in the Anthropogenic Night Sky Brightness

Bará, S., Lima, R.C. and Zamorano, J., 2019. Monitoring long-term trends in the anthropogenic night sky brightness. Sustainability, 11(11), p.3070.

Peer -reviewed article: Efficient, but Effective?: Volunteer Engagement in Short-term Virtual Citizen Science Projects

Reeves, N.T. and Simperl, E., 2019. Efficient, but effective? Volunteer engagement in short-term virtual citizen science projects. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(CSCW), pp.1-35.

Peer-reviewed article: Submitting surveys via a conversational interface: an evaluation of user acceptance and approach effectiveness

Celino, I. and Calegari, G.R., 2020. Submitting surveys via a conversational interface: an evaluation of user acceptance and approach effectiveness. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 139, p.102410.

Peer-reviewed article: Evaluating Human Photoreceptoral Inputs from Night-Time Lights Using RGB Imaging Photometr

Sánchez de Miguel, A., Bará, S., Aubé, M., Cardiel, N., Tapia, C.E., Zamorano, J. and Gaston, K.J., 2019. Evaluating human photoreceptoral inputs from night-time lights using RGB imaging photometry. Journal of imaging, 5(4), p.49.

Peer -reviewed article: Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky

Salvador Bará, Martin Aubé, John Barentine, Jaime Zamorano, Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 493, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 2429–2437.

Peer-reviewed article: Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans

Barmentlo, S.H., Vriend, L.M., van Grunsven, R.H. and Vijver, M.G., 2019. Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(8), pp.2034-2044.

Peer-reviewed article: Who Is This Explanation for? Human Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable AI

Celino, I., 2020. Who Is This Explanation for? Human Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable AI. In Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Applications and Challenges (pp. 276-285). IOS Press.

Evaluation report of learning outcomes of high school students after participating in air quality projects (D2.8)

This report evaluates the learning outcomes of the CS project “Students, air pollution and DIY sensing” carried out in the Oslo area (Norway) and engaging high school students.

Final Report – First Round of the Call (D2.12)

This report details the planning and execution of the first round of the ACTION Accelerator (2020), including its dynamic response to the Coronavirus pandemic; a resource for the incubation of citizen science projects in general.

Impact Assessment Framework (D6.1)

This deliverable describes the ACTION impact assessment methodology (scientific, social, economic, and political impacts for EU Sustainable Development Goals and MORRI indicators) and the co-design process for its development.

Initial webinar to support sustainability (D5.8)

Report about goals and structure of the preliminary webinar on sustainability: an online event that will address different approaches to CS projects’ financial sustainability. See complete webinar here.

Initial analysis and guidelines of incentives and motivation within citizen science (D5.6)

Initial analyses conducted by the ACTION team regarding the use and effectiveness of incentives, as well as distinct motivations and motivational factors within pollution citizen science.

Initial guidelines and tools for community engagement and monitoring (D5.4)

Initial guidelines and tools for increasing community engagement and monitoring as well as the research that led up to those.

Dissemination and Community Building Report (D7.2)

The document reports about stakeholder engagement, dissemination and communication activities in the first half of the ACTION project.

Sustainability plan v.1 (D7.4)

This deliverable describes, in a first version, the sustainability strategy for the main outputs of the ACTION project and proposed sustainability models for CS projects.

Summary of Round One (D3.3)

Report on procedures, processes and timelins for the 1st ACTION Open Call.

Conceptual architecture and delivery plan (D4.1)

This deliverable describes the catalogue of research objects identified in the project. Also, a methodology to characterize these objects has been developed to facilitate this work, adapting it to the necessities of citizen science projects.

Open Data Portal (D4.4)

First version of the ACTION Data Portal where we publish all the outputs of our project, including of our pilots.

AZOTEA. Monitoring the night sky during and after isolation
This booklet presents AZOTEA, a citizen science project that aims to monitor the brightness and color of the night sky using photographic cameras to evaluate variations in light pollution that happened during and after the exceptional period of self-isolation. Available in English and Spanish.


Initial Guidelines for Task Design (D5.1)

Initial research on the design of citizen science tasks on pollution; a typology of task characteristics and properties, as well as input devices and affordances. We identified 81 projects with a pollution focus.

Call Definition: Round 2 (D3.2)

This document outlines the outputs and preparations made for the open call process for the second call, including call documentation and definition, the submission platform, the relationship with applicants and the application selection process.

Lifecycle-aware citizen science templates (D4.2)

Templates for helping ACTION pilots to export/use external platforms; a new tool to create Data Management Plan documents based on a questionnaire; a mini guide to help users to create a CS project using Epicollect and Zooniverse.

Final webinar to support sustainability (D5.9)

Report about goals and content of the second ACTION webinar on sustainability: an online event carried out on the 14th of July 2021.

Dissemination and Community Building Strategy (D7.1)

Dissemination and community building strategy for the ACTION project, including a plan on the activities the consortium will pursue to achieve the desired impacts and related KPIs.

Call Definition: Round 1 (D3.1)

This document outlines the outputs and preparations made for the 1st Open Call process.