Over the course of the ACTION project we developed a number of resources interesting for the scientific community, citizen scientists, decision makers and funding agencies and the public at large. These include academic outputs as Research Deliverables, scientific articles, webinars as well as dissemination resources such as videos and other information materials about the project. You find all these resources in this page.
ACTION developed also the ACTION OPEN SCIENCE PORTAL. There you find not only the resources available in this page, but also the datasets developed by the ACTION team and its pilots.
Resources filter
Recommendations to mainstream citizen science in policy
The policy recommendations are an outcome of a co-creation process from the six ACTION masterclasses. They provide an agenda to accelerate the uptake of citizen science and make it mainstream.
White paper of science innovation through citizen science (D2.16)
White Paper that explores the potential for learning from, and the practice of, citizen science to foster innovation in science.
Policy brief on citizen science mainstreaming (D6.5)
Two sets of recommendations: (1) for the mainstreaming of citizen science for policymakers, policy workers, citizen science actors, and scientists; (2) for the facilitation and delivery of citizen science projects – specifically focusing on increasing their economic impact.
Workshop report v2 (D2.15)
This document is a summary of the workshops carried out up to and including the ACTION Accelerator Kick-off Workshop. It describes the topics covered and the outcomes of the workshops.
Dissemination and community building report v2 (D7.3)
The document reports about stakeholder engagement, dissemination and communication activities during the entire duration of the ACTION project and monitors their success.
New Releases of the Apps v2 (D2.11)
This document explains the delivery of a demonstration of the new release of the Loss of the Night App.
App: final version of one simple device to characterise street lamps spectra (D2.2)
Description of the final solution implemented by the citizen science project StreetSpectra, based on mobile applications, data gathering platforms, classification platforms and OpenData platforms for publishing. It also describes the sister CS project named AZOTEA, born during the 2020 confinement period.
New Releases of the App v1 (D2.10)
Description of the new overall solution of the StreetSpectra citizen science pilot, based on mobile applications, data gathering platforms, classification platforms, OpenData platforms for publishing and a geographical information system.
ACTION Open Calls: Summary of Round Two (D3.4)
This deliverable outlines the procedures, processes and timelines for the second round of the ACTION Open Call, including key aggregate statistics.
ACTION Assessment and Support Document
This document has been designed for citizen science project leaders and designer to carry out a structured analysis of values.
ACTION Accelerator: Slides for webinar ‘Data visualisation using Grafana’
Slides of the ACTION Acceleartor webinar Data visualisation using Grafana. To see the webinar, go here.
Street Spectra – Teaching Materials
Lesson plan that can be used in the classroom of 12 and 13 years old students and aims to educate its users on the topic of light pollution.
ACTION impact assessment of citizen science projects: Data gathering instruments and guidelines (D6.2)
Set of questionnaires and other data gathering tools that complements and make operational the ACTION impact assessment methodology.
Poster: Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network
This poster presents the study about the motivation of participants in citizen science projects to the TESS community (focused on light pollution) and was presented at the ECSA 2020 conference.
ACTION Accelerator: Communications Best Practice – Communicating your citizen science project
This presentation gives an overview on how to develop a communication strategy that fits your purpose and identifies aims, target groups and resources.
Recommendations for designing and implementing citizen science tasks
A separated, slightly updated and more detailed version of the recommendations developed and described in D5.2 (Final Guidelines for Task Design).
ACTION pilot ‘In My Backyard’: data analysis report
Presentation of results, presenting data sources and approches, sample scope and size and data visualization of the ‘In My Backyard’ project.
ACTION pilot ‘In My Backyard’: project final report
Final activities report of the ‘In My Backyard’ project.
ACTION Open Calls: Summary of Round One (D3.3)
call. It also includes key aggregate statistics of applications and lessons learned as well as recommendations for the second round of open call.
ACTION Data Portal and how to upload resources to a research repository
In this presentation, users learn how to create a community in Zenodo and how to fill in the metadata to integrate their communities in the ACTION data portal.
Presentation: Can Citizen Science help us to fight against Light Pollution?
Presentation at the 14th European Symposium for Protection of Night Sky in Mulranny, Ireland. It shows a short list of tools used to generate data in the Light Pollution domain as well as create awareness among the citizens.
Coney – A CONversational SurvEY Guide
Coney allows modelling a conversational survey with an arbitrary acyclic graph of interaction flows simulating a human to human interaction and it allows publishing and administering surveys through a chat interface. Try Coney here!