Over the course of the ACTION project we developed a number of resources interesting for the scientific community, citizen scientists, decision makers and funding agencies and the public at large. These include academic outputs as Research Deliverables, scientific articles, webinars as well as dissemination resources such as videos and other information materials about the project. You find all these resources in this page.
ACTION developed also the ACTION OPEN SCIENCE PORTAL. There you find not only the resources available in this page, but also the datasets developed by the ACTION team and its pilots.
Resources filter
Final impact maximisation and sustainability guidelines (D5.10)
This report provides support for CS projects’ that wish to use the ACTION impact assessment methodology. It conveys information that is also included in the ACTION toolkit.
Participatory science toolkit against pollution
Resource collection for everyone interested in running inclusive and impactful citizen science projects. It provides a selection of practical instruments and learning outcomes.
Lifecycle-aware citizen science templates (D4.3)
This document describes the different templates that are going to be developed in ACTION for helping pilots to export/use external platforms, including a tool to create data workflows.
Final guidelines and tools for community engagement and monitoring (D5.5)
Introduction to the ACTION Participation Roadmap Tool, which outlines various strategies that citizen science projects can use to increase community engagement.
Tutorial for environmental awareness training in the use of outdoor lightning (D2.5)
Explanation to the tutorial video presenting environmental awareness training. It is composed of three parts: a report, explanatory material and slides of a tutorial workshop.
Tutorial to identify the spectra of common street lamps (D2.1)
This document explains how to obtain the spectra of streetlights, how to determine their nature, and how to contribute with this information to the StreetSpectra citizen science project. Here we introduce the project and the light pollution problem. It is published in English and Spanish
Tutorial for air quality projects in high schools (D2.7)
This deliverable serves as a handbook for air quality projects in high schools. It contains information about the ACTION air quality pilot in high schools, tips and lessons learned as well as material that has been used and created within the high school projects.
Loss of the night APP – iOS – Tutorial
Introduction to the Loss of the night APP for iOS.
Loss of the night APP – Android – Tutorial
Introduction to the Loss of the night APP for ANDROID.