The ACTION team presented two e-posters at the ECSA 2020 conference on the 7th of September 2020. The conference was very successful and the posters were very appreciated by the audience.
One poster presented the impact CS can have on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how this will be addressed by ACTION and the other one was dedicated to a study on the motivation of citizen scientists participating in a campaign tackling light pollution.
The first poster introduced ACTION and its second open call and then discussed how ACTION will support and analyse the contribution of CS to SDGs. Indeed the work ACTION is carrying out on Open Data and the development of the ACTION open data portal is a way to support CS pilots as potential data providers for SDGs monitoring. The impact assessment activities will then analyse this potential contribution together with the pilots capability to progress towards SDGS targets with dedicated actions at local level or by developing innovation capable to generate a more systemic change, such as policy innovation. This poster was developed by T6 Ecosystems, King’s College, FVB-IGB, UPM and NILU.
The second poster was about the study of motivation of citizen scientists participating to the TESS Network initiative (, a citizen science community focused on fighting light pollution. This campaign aims at collecting sky brightness measurements by asking people to host and install photometers in their home. Data has been collected by hundreds of photometers installed by citizen scientists spread all around the world. The study has been conducted by three partners of the ACTION team: Cefriel, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Complutense de Madrid.