Survey research data published as Linked Open Data

Survey research data published as Linked Open Data

By Mario Scrocca – Cefriel Linked Open Data is structured data, openly published, that emphasizes the connections between different data. The survey research data, collected within the ACTION study on the motivation of citizen science participants...
How to adapt to constant change

How to adapt to constant change

One of the challenges in CS projects is to feed our projects with new tasks. ACTION makes a platform to execute workflows available to pilots. Workflows are sequences of tasks executed to complete a process. In the context of CS projects, these workflows can be used...
Mapping Madrid streetlamps during Science week

Mapping Madrid streetlamps during Science week

The Science Week in Madrid is one of Europe’s most important scientific events. Its main objective is to make science and technology more accessible to the general public. It takes place over two weeks, and includes over 500 activities, workshops, exhibitions,...