Nov 18, 2021 | News on Citizen Science
There is a big push at the moment, specifically for the monitoring of the SDGs, on how to integrate citizen science data in official statistics (e.g. see Fritz et al., 2019, Fraisl et al., 2020). However, this is taking a long time, and the value of citizen science to...
Nov 18, 2021 | News on Citizen Science
Citizen science can be beneficial for policy in many ways. For example, it enables a situation or an issue to be monitored at a relatively low cost compared to traditional ways of data collection directed by national statistical offices and it also directly engages...
Jun 1, 2021 | News on Citizen Science
CS Track aims at broadening our knowledge about Citizen Science and the impact Citizen Science activities can have. They published their first statistical results. You can find them here:...
May 26, 2021 | News on Citizen Science
By Roy van Grunsven The question: “How many birds are there?” seems very simple but it is hard to answer. You can’t simply count them. But there is data from citizens reporting bird observations around the world and using this scientist from the University of New...
Apr 29, 2021 | News on Citizen Science
ZSI is pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of the FTeval Journal: Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science We...
Apr 12, 2021 | News, News on Citizen Science
By Antonella Passani – T6 Ecosystems Un bloom di meduse, trascinate dalla corrente, ha colorato di rosa in queste ore lo specchio d’acqua su cui affaccia il centro di Trieste, tra il molo Audace e la stazione marittima. Un’invasione che non è passata inosservata...