1st open call
application process and documents
All information and documents on this page refer to the 1st Open Call.
The 1st Open Call is closed. Thanks for your participation.
we are looking for:
ACTION is looking for new and ongoing citizen science projects related to any form of pollution in Europe and worldwide. Successful applicants will receive €20,000 to help deliver a six-month pilot with the help of the ACTION team. The funding can be spent on salaries, equipment, consumables, travel, subcontracting to other entities, and indirect expenditure (calculated as 25% of the total direct costs), in accordance with Horizon 2020 guidelines.
This call is for:
- ongoing citizen science projects looking for support, financial and otherwise, to grow and become sustainable;
- scientists seeking to resource a new citizen science project;
- communities interested in co-designing research into pollution in any relevant discipline, from biodiversity and environmental sciences to astronomy and the humanities;
- organisations in the public, private and third sectors exploring the use of citizen science in their work.
is there for you:
In addition, ACTION will offer a set of services, tailored to the needs of each citizen science project, including:
- Intensive training at the start of the accelerator on: project design, citizen engagement, data management and preservation, funding and sustainability;
- Online mentoring during the pilot and beyond;
- Tools and infrastructure to host projects and their data according to state of the art IT practices in your discipline;
- Tools and methods to facilitate participatory data collection and analysis;
- Bespoke consultancy on a diverse set of citizen science challenges, including: data quality, data preservation, GDPR, research ethics, motivating participation, citizen empowerment, EDI (equality, diversity, inclusion), public engagement, and impact;
- Promotion via news on the ACTION website and on social media, as well as presentation opportunities at the ACTION conference and other related events;
- Peer learning and networking, facilitated through workshops and online tools.
can apply:
Any legal entities and consortia established in a country or territory eligible to receive Horizon 2020 grants. Every entity is allowed to participate in one application, either on its own or as part of a consortium.
HOW to apply
Applications have to be made online, in English and consist in a short proposal presenting the idea and the budget required for its realisation, and must include also administrative information and a declaration of honour.
Read the guide for applicants as well as the FAQ
Download the application forms which includes: (a) a short proposal, and b) a declaration of honour
Create an account on the online submission platform
Start your application
Make sure to answer all questions and upload all relevant documents
Submit before the deadline
More support for applicants
ACTION has scheduled 3 webinars to support applications.
If you need any further assistance please contact us at: call@actionproject.eu or get in touch with us through our social media
Reach us
The newsletter is managed by the H2020 EU project EU-citizen.science. ACTION contribute to the newsletter with dedicated contents.
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