Butterflies of Europe

Butterflies of Europe

By Roy van Grunsven One field of research where citizen scientists has been very important for a long time is the monitoring of biodiversity. There are several initiatives to stimulate monitoring of biodiversity in Europe. One of these is ABLE of Butterfly...
Habitat loss and drought huge blow for Dutch butterflies

Habitat loss and drought huge blow for Dutch butterflies

Many butterfly species are threatened in the Netherlands, especially species from nutrient poor sandy areas are doing poorly. This is due to a large part a result of habitat loss and nitrogen deposition. The areas where they occur have become smaller and smaller, and...
Butterflies show pollution with nitrogen

Butterflies show pollution with nitrogen

Agriculture, industry and traffic cause emissions of reactive nitrogen, NH4 for agriculture and NOx in industry and traffic. This also comes down as deposition in nature reserves. As nitrogen is a plant nutrient this changes the vegetation but it also causes...
Garden butterfly count

Garden butterfly count

From 6 till 28th of July 2019 people in the Netherlands were asked to record the number of butterflies in their garden for 15 minutes. In total 73.445 butterflies were recorded in 2956 gardens. This gives insight in an important habitat that is not easily accessible...